Friday, June 20, 2008

Justice interviewed by WHIO-TV's Washington Bureau

Justice Thomas was interviewed by WHIO-TV's Washington Bureau yesterday in D.C. Watch her story by clicking here.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Good morning!! Saying hello from Washington D.C. again. I am having a blast in Washington D.C. Yesterday i got to meet and talk to Reps. Jim Jordan and Wes from his staff. Mr. Jordan said that he would be a supporter of Graduate Medical Education for Childrens hospitals! Mr. Jordan even knew someone from my home town, Brookville! They were so nice to talk to! I got to meet Stephaine Milburn from John Boehner's office. Today I am going to talk to Mike Turner and his office offered to give me a tour of the Capital building! I can't wait to go tour the capital building, it will be so much fun! I will take lots of Pictures. I am also going to meet Senators Brown and Voinovich, and I'm also going to meet Mr. Dave Hobson. Which he is a bid supporter of Childrens hospitals and kids like me! :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Watch Justice's story on WDTN Channel 2 that aired Monday night and Tuesdsay afternoon.

Good Afternoon! Greetings from Washington D.C!! This is my second day in Washington with Dayton Childrens hospital. The first day we had extra time to do what-ever my mom and I wanted to do, but today is going to be a very busy day! So far today I woke up this morning and ate breakfast at Starbucks! Then after breakfest I went on a sight- seeing tour with all the other kids, with other childrens hospitals. I just got finished with a lunch that N.A.C.H has provided. In about an hour I am going to talk to Rep. Jim Jordan and Rep. John Boehner about law things! I can't wait it will be soooo much fun! I will hopefully blog tonight about talking with the Reps. and I will try to put pictures of Washington on my next one! I'm haveing so much Fun here!!:) Love, *~Justice~*

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Good Morning! Today I leave for Washington D.C! I am going with Dayton Childrens hospital. My plane leaves at 3:30p.m! I am getting so excited to get to go. I can wait to meet all the other kids that are going with other hospitals! I will get to exchange my (business like) card with other kids, so we can keep it touch with each other! I will upload pictures on my blog when I get chance to, so be ready! Love, *~Justice~*

Monday, June 16, 2008

Hello Everyone! Today I got interviewed by channel 2 with Marsha Bonhart. She asked me about what I would tell the legislators when I go to Washington D.C and what I want to see! I told her that I hope to make a difference and help them understand that kids are in need of Childrens hospitals. It airs on the 5 o'clock news tonight!
I can't believe it, I leave for Washington D.C with Dayton Childrens tommorrow! While I'm there I can take pictures then upload them on my blog, so be on the lookout for cool pictures of Washington! :) Love, *~Justice~*

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Hello!! Have you all heard that I leave for Washington D.C on Tuesday afternoon? I'm sure you have but you haven't heard who I want to meet, or where I want to go in my spare time! While I'm there I want to meet: Legislators, new friends, and maybe even the President of the United States/ Candidates running for president. In my spare time I want to tour Washington D.C, meet new people,and blog! I'm so excited to get to leave for WashingtonD.C with Dayton Childrens hospital on Tuesday! I'm so honored to get to go to D.C with Dayon Childrens hospital. Thanks Childrens for everything!! Love ~Justice~